Thursday, October 31, 2019

Electroconvulsive Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Electroconvulsive Therapy - Essay Example Research has shown that release of certain brain chemicals and stimulation of growth of new blood vessel in certain areas of the brain probably helps the improvement of the condition of the patient ECT is given in a hospital setting in special set rooms called 'ECT Suite'. The current is delivered to the brain of a patient in a controlled way using a special ECT machine. The patient is given an anesthetic so that he is not conscious during the procedure. A muscle relaxant is also given to prevent serious injuries due to muscle spasms. The duration of seizures aimed at is 20 to 50 seconds long. If the current is passed across the whole brain, it is known as bilateral ECT. If it is passed across one side, it is unilateral. A patient will need on average 6 to 8 treatments to complete a course. The procedure of giving ECT involves several weeks. The patient develops several epileptic seizures and receives many anesthetics. There are many side effects for this treatment. Short-term side e ffects include a headache, muscle ache, feeling of muzzy headedness, feeling sick, distress and feeling fearful. However, most patients can tide over this form of therapy with support from nursing staff, light refreshment, and painkillers. In older patients, confusion can occur. There is the small risk of death of 1 in 50,000 cases. the main impact of ECT is long term. The most important long-term side effects are memory problems. Memories return in most of the cases when the course has finished and a few weeks have passed by.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Green Capitalism Essay Example for Free

Green Capitalism Essay Green Capitalism is a new approach for resolving the problem of environmental destruction while ensure the sustainable development of capitalism practices (Bess, 2000). The world is witnessing the effects of global warming. In addition, economic sustainability remains a major concern by the global community. Based on this, green capitalism concept dictates for use of green energy sources to support the economy (Bess, 2000). By ethics of care, individual humans must protect the environment for the good of the whole community. Critics have blamed capitalism for its exploitation of available resources without concern of the negative environmental implications of the same (Beaufoy, 1993). From an ethical point of view, green capitalism concept is quite limited in its practicability due to the fact that capitalism by its nature seeks to maximize profits regardless of associated consequences (Beaufoy, 1993). On the other side, green practices dictate for protection of the environment and its ecosystem. Thus, the theory of green capitalism remains a conflict between caring for the environment and maximization of capital (Beaufoy, 1993). True to the letter, the world is claimed to have enough renewable resources to sustain its population. Nevertheless, most of these resources like solar, wind, and tidal energies are unpredictable for supporting our current economic energy requirements. Still, the green capitalism concept advocates for reduced consumption of anti-green products in the community (Bess, 2000). This has an ethical implication of harming the global market capital, a claim that has been blamed for economic meltdown (Beaufoy, 1993). As a solution to these real concerns on green capitalism theory, there is need having in place other models of addressing the problem of environmental pollution. Just to note, the effects of capitalism are permanent trends that cannot be reversed if capitalism prevails. References Bess, M. (2000). Greening the Mainstream. Environmental History, 5, 12-18. Beaufoy, H. (1993). Case Study: The Green Office in Britain: A Critical Analysis. Journal of Design History, 6, 9-14.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

TRIZ Problem Solving: Design of Hammer

TRIZ Problem Solving: Design of Hammer Abstract This project introduced innovation in a concept design of hammer which is a tool used to blow (a sudden impact) to an object. Some technical contradictions occurred in the design, which made it difficult to find a solution except compromise. When TRIZ was used in the design, things seemed to get easier. A surprising and almost perfect solution was found, and finally it was put into practice smoothly. Introduction A hammer is a tool that delivers a blow (a sudden impact) to an object. A hammer is basically a force amplifier that works by converting mechanical work into kinetic energy and back. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in shape, size, and structure, depending on their purposes. Hammers are basic tools in many trades. The usual features are a head (most often made of steel) and a handle (also called a helve or haft). A traditional hand-held hammer consists of a separate head and a handle, fastened together by means of a special wedge made for the purpose, or by glue, or both. This two-piece design is often used, to combine a dense metallic striking head with a non-metallic mechanical-shock-absorbing handle. Some hammers are one-piece designs made primarily of a single material. A one-piece metallic hammer may optionally have its handle coated or wrapped in a resilient material such as rubber. Objectives To innovate the design of a hammer to make it more efficient using TRIZ problem solving. To minimize the cost used to buy hammer using TRIZ problem solving. To improve the components of hammer to reduce space consumption by TRIZ problem solving. Problem Statement For years, workers have been struggling to bring different type of tools to their worksite.   One of the main tool used by the construction workers are the hammer. A Hammer is a mechanical tool that delivers a sudden impact to an object. The essential part of hammer is head, a compact solid mass that is able to deliver the blow to the intended target without itself deforming and a handle, the part where the user hold the hammer. Commonly, hammers are used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal and break apart objects. There are different types of hammers in use, they vary in shape, size and structure. Such hammers are traditional curved claw hammer and Drywall hammer. Traditional claw hammer are used to   drives nails well and removes nails easily with the rocking action of its curved claw while Drywall hammer chops errant bits of drywall and sets nails without breaking through walls paper faces. Hammers are categorized as a heavy type tool thus creating problem for the workers t o bring many types of hammer to their worksite. Inconvenient Variety in the number of hammer needed to complete in a certain type of work causes difficulties to the workers in bringing it to their worksite. As we already know, each hammer has its own function. Hence, workers need to bring each of the type of hammer to complete their project. If it is improved it can ease the workers job in bringing different type of hammer without consuming too much energy. Costly Workers are forced to buy each type of hammer so that they can accomplish their job. This causes extra money to be spent to buy each type of hammer. Thus the total cost of project will be increased gradually. Buying less number of hammer with the same functional would causes the cost to be decreased significantly. This would give the advantage to worker as it will cut the cost to buy a hammer. Space consuming The average size of a hammer is bigger than other tool creates a problem which is in storing it. Each hammer requires a huge size of storage space to be stored and with the variety type of hammer, the needs for bigger size storage increases with the number of hammer. If less spaces are used to store this tool, more other tool can be used to fill the empty spaces. This increases the compatibility of the hammer. Function Analysis Subject (Tool)FunctionObject HandHoldHandle (Wood) Handle (Wood) HoldHammer head Hammer headHitNail Component Analysis TRIZ tools Segmentation (#1) Divide an object into independent part Make an object easy to assemble and disassemble The head and the handle of the hammer can be connected and removed freely by user. The thread on the handle ease the user to connect the handle and the hammer head by twisting the head in a clockwise direction. Function Analysis Subject (Tool) Function Object Hand Hold Handle (Steel) Handle (Thread) Hold Traditional Curved Claw (Thread) Traditional Curved Claw (Thread) Hit Nail Handle (thread) Hold Drywall Hammer (Thread) Drywall Hammer (Thread) Hit Nail Handle (Thread) Hold Body Mechanics Hammer (Thread) Body Mechanics Hammer (Thread) Hit Nail Handle (Thread) Hold Toolmakers Hammer (Thread) Toolmakers Hammer (Thread) Hit Nail Component Analysis Contradiction The feature that we want to improve is the strength of the handle by using steel. However the drawback of using steel as a handle is it is very heavy. So by using 39 parameters matrix, we have decided to choose composite material as the handle. The composite material that we have chosen is graphite fiber reinforced epoxy. This type of handle offers a blend of stiffness, lightweight and durability. These handle also encased in a high polycarbonate resin. The addition of this material around the handle increase shock absorption, improves chemical resistance and offers protection against accidential overstrike thus reduce handle failure. Wooden Handle  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Steel Handle  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Composite Handle Wooden Handle  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Steel HandleComposite Handle Partial Triz Contradiction Matrix (1 to 14) Weight of moving object Weight of stationary object Length of moving object Length of stationary object Area of moving object 1 2 3 4 5 1 Weight of moving object + 15, 8, 29,34 29, 17, 38, 34 2 Weight of stationary object + 10, 1, 29, 35 3 Length of moving object 8, 15, 29, 34 + 15, 17, 4 4 Length of stationary object 35, 28, 40, 29 + 5 Area of moving object 2, 17, 29, 4 14, 15, 18, 4 + 6 Area of stationary object 30, 2, 14, 18 26, 7, 9, 39 7 Volume of   moving object 2, 26, 29, 40 1, 7, 4, 35 1, 7, 4, 17 8 Volume of stationary object 35, 10, 19, 14 19, 14 35, 8, 2, 14 9 Speed 2, 28, 13, 38 13, 14, 8 29, 30, 34 10 Force (Intensity) 8, 1, 37, 18 18, 13, 1, 28 17, 19, 9, 36 28, 10 19, 10, 15 11 Stress or pressure 10, 36, 37, 40 13, 29, 10, 18 35, 10, 36 35, 1, 14, 16 10, 15, 36, 28 12 Shape 8, 10, 29, 40 15, 10, 26, 3 29, 34, 5, 4 13, 14, 10, 7 5, 34, 4, 10 13 Stability of   the objects composition 21, 35, 2, 39 26, 39, 1, 40 13, 15, 1, 28 37 2, 11, 13 14 Strength 1, 8, 40, 15 40, 26, 27, 1 1, 15, 8, 35 15, 14, 28, 26 3, 34, 40, 29 40-Composite Material, 26-Copying, 27-Cheap Short Living Object, 1-Segmentation Function Analysis Subject (Tool) Function Object Hand Hold Handle (Composite Material) Handle (thread) Hold Traditional Curved Claw (Thread) Traditional Curved Claw (Thread) Hit Nail Handle (thread) Hold Drywall Hammer (Thread) Drywall Hammer (Thread) Hit Nail Handle (thread) Hold Body Mechanics Hammer (Thread) Body Mechanics Hammer (Thread) Hit Nail Handle (thread) Hold Toolmakers Hammer (Thread) Toolmakers Hammer (Thread) Hit Nail Component Analysis Conclusion As conclusion, problem in reality can be practically solved using TRIZ problem solving technique. TRIZ technique use the process of abstraction as it main way to solve problem. This means that we need to use TRIZ to determine problem, improving feature, and impact feature and lastly, come up with a solution for the related problem. There are many type of TRIZ process that are available for solving problem. However, for this problem the function analysis tool, the 39 parameters and 40 inventive principles is used. We have concluded that the main problems of a hammer are inconvenient, costly, and space consuming. All of the problems are solved by applying TRIZ technique. The final solution that have been analyzed is by producing an exchangeable hammer head with graphite fiber reinforced epoxy handle. This will encounter all of the problems of the common hammer. So, it can be concluded that TRIZ problem solving can be used to problem better and efficiently. References

Friday, October 25, 2019

Terror Management Theory Essay -- Psychology, Anxiety, self-esteem

Terror management theory (TMT) asserts that human beings have natural tendency for self-preservation if there is threat to one’s well–being (Greenberg, Solomon, & Pyszczynski, 1997). It notes that we are the cultural animals that pose self-awareness on the concept of past and future, as well as the understanding that one day we will die. We concern about our life and death but aware that it is unexpected by everything. The worse matter is that we become aware of our vulnerability and helplessness when facing death-related thoughts and ultimate demise (Pyszczynski & Greenberg, 1992). The inevitable death awareness or mortality salience provides a ground for experiencing the existential terror, which is the overwhelming concern of people’s mortality and existence. In order to avoid the continued existence of threats, people need faith in a relatively affirmative and plausive cultural worldview and meaning of life (Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, 1995). Cultural worldview is a perceptual construction in the society which explaining the origins of life and the existence of afterlife. We have to invest a set of cultural worldviews by ourselves that are able to provide meaning, stability and order to our lives and to offer the promise of death transcendence (Solomon, Greenberg, & Pyszczynski, 2004). On the other hand, we hold a belief that one is living up to the standards of value prescribed by that worldview and social norm shared by a group of people. This belief is derived by self-esteem of individual. We maintain the perception and confident that we are fulfilling the cultural prescriptions for value in the society and are thus eligible for some form of personal immortality (Landau & Greenberg, 2006). We Together with the assump... ... and death-thought accessibility which are typically evoked by mortality reminders (Greenberg et al., 1993). The research further stated that self-esteem and death awareness are high interdependent with each other and the self-esteem-anxiety-hypothesis. For TMT, A second line of support for the terror management function of self-esteem comes from tests of the mortality salience hypothesis which is another hypothesis derived from TMT. Similar to the anxiety-buffer hypothesis, it states that temporarily increasing the accessibility of death-related thought self-esteem provides protection from mortality concerns, and hence individuals will then intensify their efforts to bolster and defend self-esteem. In sum, convergent evidence supports the claim that self-esteem functions as a buffer against mortality concerns (Pyszczynski, Greenberg, Solomon, & Maxfield, 2006).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fakeer of Jungheera as a Love Story Essay

The Fakeer of Jungheer is a long poem by Henry Louis Vivian Derozio. He was born on 18th April, 1809 in Kolkatta, West Bengal. He was a lecturer and poet. He is considered to be an academic and educator During his time Literary Movement of Bengal Renaissance was undergoing. He was an Indian poet and assistant head principal at the Hindu College of kolkatta. He was a radical thinker and one of the first Indian educators to disseminate western Education and science among the young men of Bengal. He died of Cholera at the age of 22. Long after his death, his influence lived among his former student, who came to be known as young Bengal and many of whom became prominent in social reform law and journalism. Inspired by the scenic beauty of the river Ganga, he started writing poetry. He was generally considered an Anglo-Indian being of mixed partuguese desent, but he was fired by patriotic spirit for his native Bengal and considered himself Indian. He wrote many wonderful poems in English before his untimely death of which. The Fakeer of Jungheera was one of the most important landmark in the history of patriotic poetry in India. As he considered India to be his mother he worried about Indian social, political and religious problem. He also worried about the class and caste discrimination. In his days Bengal faced many problems of caste and creed. The reassessment and inclusion of Derozio in the canon of Derozio in the canon of Indian writing in English has to do with many factors, like communism, religious aspects, colonial aspects. In ‘The Fakeer of Jungheera’ Deroiz mixed the tantric, Hindu, Mythological, Islamic and Cristian tradition. He got the idea about writing the poem of spiritual love from Baital Pachisi. As the story goes, if King Vikram remains stead fast in his love for his queen he can resurrect her and once more both can find happiness together. The dauntless fortitude and courage that The King exemplifies by passing through the horrible ordeals in the graveyard leading to h is triumph, inspire conclusion to the tragic death of the Fakeer in the arms of his beloved Nuleeni. If the Nuleeni can again be resurrected in the arms of the Fakeer if she can pass through the horrors and temptations of life. Fakeer and Nuleeni are two star crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet were the children of two enemies whose love brought the tragic end. Here, in ‘The Fakeer of Jangheera’. Fakeer is the follower of Islam. Fakeer means saint a person who has renounced the world but here he loves a lady Nuleeni who is married and also an uppercaste Female. Nuleeni was married to a Brahmin. Her husband dies in an early youth. Naleeni, the beloved of Fakeer never loved her husband. In the days of never loved her husband. In the days of Henry Derozio Indian subcontinent was cought by many evils like ‘Sati Pratha’ killing girl child by boiling the still born baby in the hot pot of milk etc. Nuleeni belonged to a conservative Hindu society in the nineteenth century. She was pure and beautiful she doesn’t went to end her life behind a person whom she never loved. Nuleeni was brought to the spot where her husband is to be cremated. Women were singing songs praising sati. They sang of going to heaven but poor Nuleeni was lost in the thoughts of Fakeer. She refuses to die on the funeral pure of her husband and esapes with the bandit faker to his cave in Jungheera to a life from death; She escaped death but she starts a life of forbidden love though frightened by violent social norms she believes that her lover’s courage and her anfailing love will finally make them victorious. Her fair and beautiful face brightens the dark social setting of the poem and mitigates the bold audacity of the Fakeer who snatches her from the midst of a group of mourning upper caste Hindu at the Funeral. In the intense bond of love they forgot the society. They forgot their caste discrimination. They forget strength of power. They Forgot strength of power. They Challenged the man made norms of the society. Both of them completely forgot themselves and did not realize that their lives were at risk. Fakeer, bravely snatched her from the hands of so called upper-class people. Would they tolerate this insult of taking away of female by weaker sect. Here, the brave rebellion of the weaker sect draws the attention to the inequality of the sexes and social malaise rampant in Bangali Society of the time. In can say that the poem makes an important stage in the use of social themes in literary texts endorsing a syncretistic tradition quite popular in 19th century Bengal. Instead of be laboring upon the misery of slavery, Derozio embarked upon a mission of resolving some of the inherent evils of Hindu society especially the practice of widow burning. The romantic atmosphere is raise due to the development of Hindu-Muslim love affair. The Fakeer of Jungheera is in two cantos of twenty eight and twenty four stanzas respectively written in the iambic, anapestic, trochaic and dactylic meters to suit the different rhythems ranging from the normal spoken voice and slow description to the racy battles and the chant of priests and women. The poem starts with nature’s description and then takes many twists. The poem deals with many ser ious issues of social evil along with the tragic love affir as the protagonist of the poem is a robber Fakeer who belongs to some unidentified Muslim sect, While the heroine, the widow Nuleeni, comes from an upper caste Bengali Hindu family. Derozio uses Cristain Imagery, Such as heaven and angles flitting about. He juxtaposes this imagery against the Hindu tradition of sati and muslim prayers. He imitates the English Romantic poets like wordsworth, shelly and Coleridge. In the poem, the imagination is marvelous. Derozio breaks all the norms of writing of the contemporary poem writing. It was not easy for the contemporary writers to break the established laws and at the same time challenging the upper-class of the cosecant. He wanted to eradicate the social evils that slowly swallowed the society. This Hindu-Muslim love story arose great sensation. The poet was marginalized in his time. The poet paints the heroine as a ‘perfect’ Bengali beauty – with large black eyes, black in braided tresses, a pale lily complexion and majestic walk. When she arrives at the funeral her eyes searched somebody when he comes she escapes with. He, her lover Fakery had to fight before taking his beloved with him. At the F akeer’s cave. Nuleeni and he lived very happily. They both are lost in the materialistic. They both are lost in the materialistic imaginative life. They are lost in their world. But Nuleeni in the midst of happy life always feared of some unseen danger. Here, the midst of happy life always feared of some unseen danger. Here, the description of nature seems to be one with the feeling of the love. The first canto of the poem mainly deals with the fantastic description of nature, the funeral procession of a Bengali upper-class Hindu family’s son, the escape of the widow with her faker lover to his cave. The upper-class widow lived with many maid lives happily in the cave of her Fakeer lover always waiting for something unseen to harm them. She smelt something wrong. She worried for she doesn’t want to depart from her lover at any cost. Many a times through the poetry we see her lost in her world, sometime. We see Fakeer lost in his dreamland. As happens in ancient Greek tragedies and Shakespearean tragedies, their tragic doom and mistake of risking their life were waiting for them. As they were run-away lovers Nuleeni’s father – the so called upper-class widow’s father would definitely revenge him. Now, Derozio sees love between a Hindu and a Muslim as transcending religion, though this could be Derozio’s own atheistic vision of religion categories based on his rationalistic temper. There was a hardening of identity of Bengali Muslims in the subcontinent as Islam provided ‘a sense of belonging’ to the Muslim community. In the absence of powerful Muslim leadership in 19th century Bengal, the ulema emerged as the leaders. Britishers were partial too. On one hand the prohibited sati system on the other hand they allowed being sati with permission. The hardening of religious categories in colonial Bengali lays the ground for the inevitable conflict that ensues in the second canto. In the beginning of the canto the end lies. The popular belief that love for a woman can lead any god-fearing young man away from the worship of Allah. Then starts the tragic events one by one. The father of beautiful widow Nuleeni determines to avenge Fakeer. He goes to Shah Shiva the king of his time. He requests him to send his army with him to avenge the Fakeer. The uncertainty of life and death begins at this stage. Nuleeni’s father comes to the place where the lovers lived with the army to avenge his insult. He did not even think of his daughter’s happiness or love. Now Fakeer has no choice, if he runs away from the battle field. He would be caught and punished. He decides to fight back the army of Nuleeni’s father. The story at this point becomes somewhat sketchy but the robber Fakeer decides to make a lost stand and fight. However Nuleeni fears that the dubious hour might bring doom : Let me warn the that our doom so bright may darkly end – as darkly speeds the night – But the Fakeer is confident of Victory. Ere long I’ll worn thee in my breast again – With the ‘battle cry’ of ‘the moslem ringing afar’ to fight the ‘royal cavalry’, he is mortally wounded with a lance. Nulleeni cradles him in her arms and dies together with him – he ‘eloquence had all burned out’. She becomes a free agent to choose her destiny; she prefers to die together with someone she loves than with her husband whom she does not. In ancient India woman were allowed to choose their life partners on their own. In our Epics sita, Rukmani, Sati, Parvati (The incarmation of Sati) Draupadi, Subhadra, Kunti, Gandhari, Sanyogita etc. Choose their husband on their own. In absence of Pritiviraj Chauhan Sanyogita put garland on his statue and took her with him – such was grand and glorious past culture of India which was ruined due to foreign invasion. Nuleeni did not die behind her husband. Now, she is free here to die with Fakeer. She did not die with her husband because she did not love him but she loved Fakeer beyond anything else in the world. For him she left all the luxuries of her life, He also risked his life to be united but they were doomed to depart. Nuleeni decides to die behind him. The Sanskrit word sati means a ‘good and vitreous woman’ who was truly devoted to her husband. And according to the Hindu tradition these virtues found expression is the ultimate act of self-immdation. Women who sacrificed themselves continued to be called sati long after they were dead and usage of the term ‘to the sacrifice alone, the act as well as the agent. The secular and universal ideas that Derozio espoused in his poetry do not go well with the separatist and divisionary politics of modern India. These are some of the revisionist consequences of modernity. However, the ‘modes of social life’ that emerged in the early nineteenth century in response to modernity in India now take us ‘beyond modernity’ into the information age. If India must shine it must do so within its own traditions and Derozio occupies a central place in it. The poet through the impossible and bold story of love – affair between Hindu upper-class widow and a Muslim lower class Fakeer reflected and criticized the evils of Indian Society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Attention Getter Essay Example

Attention Getter Essay Example Attention Getter Essay Attention Getter Essay Nowadays, many tragic accidents go on everyplace and this state of affairs is dismaying. Rate of accidents maintain on increasing from twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours non merely in the metropoliss but besides in rural countries. All of these accidents have made many people lost their households and loved 1s. It is really pathetic when we get intelligence about accidents which happen every twenty-four hours from newspapers. This shows that many people suffer when accidents happen to their household or relations. Greetings: Good forenoon everyone. My name is Apollo Thesis statement: Today I would wish to give a address about the causes of happen route accidents. Summational Overview: Here are some causes of the route accidents go on such as: drink and thrust, utilizing cell phone while driving and teenage drivers. Benefit: It we know the causes of route accidents we can go more responsible and more careful to avoid route accidents/ those causes are reminds us to be more responsible to non merely ourselves besides the rider in our auto. Point 1: Drink and thrust First of the causes is imbibing and drive is the taking cause of auto accidents. Driving while poisoning is unsafe, because imbibing additions your suppressions and assurance but lowers your driving public presentation and your ability to concentrate. In other words, intoxicant impairs the decision-making ability of the encephalon. For illustration, when people get drunk, they do non even think they are intoxicated. They may experience like they can make anything. But they can non. Many accidents occur because of imbibing. These accidents involve largely one auto, but other people are killed by rummy drivers. Peoples have to be educated about imbibing and drive, so they do non kill themselves or guiltless people on the route. Point 2: Exploitation cell phone while driving The 2nd point is utilizing cell phones while driving is besides a cause for auto accidents. When a cell phone is used while driving, it distracts the attending of the driver, taking to auto accidents. While utilizing a cell phone many people tend to lose the traffic signals, non truly concentrating on driving. The procedure of dialing or replying the phone can do them lose control of the vehicle every bit good. Even though the driver is looking at the route, he or she can easy acquire distracted by the conversation. This can ensue in fatal accidents. Point 3: Teenage drivers Another cause of route accidents on the route is adolescent drivers. Some adolescents cause fatal accidents, because of immatureness and deficiency of experience. Adolescents are really unprompted. Although non meaning to ache anyone, they sometimes drive really sharply. It is non hard to happen adolescents driving with one manus on the guidance wheel, place pushed back, and with loud music playing. In traffic they go wild, seeking to seek attending. They underestimate the hazard of what they are making. All these Acts of the Apostless result is serious effects on the route. Many accidents of immature drivers result from their ain errors. It will do a psychological shadow in their hereafter. Decision Re-thesis statement + summational overview: As decision, all this ways which are drink and thrust, utilizing cell phone while driving and teenage drivers are the causes of route accidents by avoid those causes we decrease the route accidents in our state and do a good image for the tourer who come to our state Benefit: We can larn to go more responsible to our transition it will assist diminish the figure of route accidents go on. By the manner decrease the route accidents we can salvage more people. Clincher: By avoid route accidents we are non merely salvaging our ain life we besides salvaging other people life excessively. Life is a gamble. You can acquire hurt, but people die in plane clangs, lose their weaponries and legs in auto accidents ; people die every twenty-four hours. Lapp with combatants: some dice, some get hurt, some go on. You merely don’t allow yourself believe it will go on to you!